The portal football-napoli.net collects, incorporating and / or linking it, the material available on the internet on all the official matches played by the Azzurri team starting from date of its foundation. The site has the sole purpose of organizing the material and processing it for statistical and historical purposes only.
football-napoli.net is not a newspaper as it is not a site updated regularly and all the videos, photos and articles and anything else published are not "internal" to the site same but linked and / or aggregated from other websites, for the sole purpose of constituting a virtual place, on the Internet, where you can easily and quickly find information on the football team of the Naples, like a search engine. All the material that can be found from football-napoli.net is "physically" hosted on other websites. Any violations copyright must be prosecuted against websites that physically host such material (videos, photos, articles) on their servers. Movies, photos and thumbnails do not linked from other sites, have been found on the Internet and evaluated in the public domain. Anyone who deems their right infringed must report it to the address [email protected] and content deemed to be in violation of the rules, will be promptly removed.
The video material linked here is taken from services of public and private television broadcasters, as well as from films owned by national and international football organizations (Lega Serie A, Uefa, Fifa) who hold all image and copyright rights. football-napoli.net does not keep audio / video material protected by copyright on the server hosting it.
The data presented on our site may contain errors and / or omissions. We are happy to welcome your feedback, send us an email or contact us on our social channels.